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Friday, 6 November 2009

Workshop presentation by Peter R. Bloomfield

(After some consideration, I decided not to write about myself in the 3rd person for this...!)

I am a PhD student in the UWS School of Computing, and will be conducting a workshop session next week at the National Workshop on Learning in Immersive Worlds. The event is on Wednesday 11th November, and is organised by the Learning Innovation Applied Research Group of Coventry University.

My session is entitled "Breaking out: Getting web-based learning activities and materials into Second Life using SLOODLE". It will look at how the open source SLOODLE project helps to take learning materials and activities (such as documents and chatrooms) from the flat world of the web, and make them accessible and usable in the immersive (3d) virtual world Second Life. The relevance of this to education, and the potential future it has, will be discussed.

-Peter R. Bloomfield

[Any UWS Research Student is welcome to announce forthcoming presentations and publications on this blog. Send details to the RSS President if you would like to do this.]

1 comment:

  1. I am interested in your topic. See you in the National Workshop in Coventry.
